No Home Left Offline Logo_Transparent

A Broadband Affordability Program For Unconnected Households

Get Connected with the ACP Benefit


Internet Access
Isn’t a Luxury,
It’s a Necessity

Without high-speed Internet access at home, Americans can’t send their children to school, work remotely, or access healthcare, job training, the social safety net, or critical government services. EducationSuperHighway’s mission is to close the digital divide for the 16.3 million households that have access to the Internet but can’t afford to connect. We focus on America’s most unconnected communities, where more than 25% of people don’t have Internet.


A New Affordability
Solution to Connect
the Unconnected

As states prepare to make the most significant broadband investments in history using their share of the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD), we urge Congress and the incoming Administration to create a new permanent broadband affordability benefit to ensure households can afford the new networks BEAD provides.

Connecting MDUs With Free Apartment Wi-Fi

Data, tools, and resources to help states close the digital divide for 6.5 million Americans living in affordable apartment buildings.

A New Broadband Affordability Program

We urge Congress and the new Administration to create a Broadband Affordability Program for unconnected households.

High school science teacher shows laptop video to students

Closing The Classroom Connectivity Gap

47 million students are connected, and 99.3% of America’s schools have a high-speed broadband connection. 


MDU Community Connect

20-25% of the digital divide is concentrated in affordable multi-dwelling units (MDUs). MDU Community Connect is a best practice model that helps state broadband offices leverage federal funds from BEAD, Treasury’s Capital Projects Fund, and the Digital Equity Act to deploy free Wi-Fi to low-income apartment buildings.

Free Apt WiFi Icon

Start Your Project

Use our roadmap to guide you throughout your Apartment Wi-Fi installation.

Subsidy Adoption Icon

Grant Program Template

A comprehensive framework when structuring grant programs to deploy Wi-Fi in low-income MDUs.

Procurement Toolkit Icon

Installation Resources

Carry out the installation of network equipment across the property to establish a reliable Wi-Fi network.


Closing The Broadband Affordability Gap

Approximately 28.2 million of the 122.8 million households in the United States do not have high-speed broadband.
Nearly two-thirds of unconnected households have access to a home broadband connection but are offline because they cannot afford to connect.  


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Help Us Close the Broadband Affordability Gap.