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Working To Close the Digital Divide in HUD Assisted Housing.

EducationSuperHighway is proud to be the lead non-profit partner of ConnectHomeUSA – a movement to bridge the digital divide for HUD-assisted housing residents by facilitating affordable in-home internet connections, access to digital literacy and educational content.


About ConnectHomeUSA

Led by HUD, ConnectHomeUSA creates a platform for community leaders, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and private industry to join together and produce locally-tailored solutions for narrowing the digital divide for HUD-assisted residents living in ConnectHomeUSA-designated communities across the country. 

The initiative relies on public-private collaboration and is led locally by Public Housing Authorities or tribes who connect residents to free or affordable in-unit Internet service, a free or affordable computer device, and the training to use them.

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Why ConnectHomeUSA?

The internet has transformed the way we engage with the world around us. Without high-speed Internet access at home, Americans can’t work or study remotely, or access other available services online such as healthcare, job training, the social safety net, or critical government services. Those who are unconnected are being left behind.


How ConnectHomeUSA Works

By working with national and local stakeholder commitments that provide free or low-cost broadband access, devices, and digital literacy training, ConnectHomeUSA communities extend 21st-century opportunity to children, adults and seniors living in HUD-assisted housing. The initiative has reached 100 communities across the country. Taking note of the initiative’s success, in 2021 Congress encouraged HUD to expand the initiative to more communities. HUD will be announcing the opportunity for additional communities to join the initiative later this year. Since 2015, 37% of HUD-assisted households with children in ConnectHomeUSA communities have gained internet access through ConnectHome efforts.


More than 30,000 devices were deployed to families in need

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More than 72,500 in-home internet connections were made.

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Hundreds of digital literacy trainings were held, ranging from basic computer readiness to coding/maker instruction


ConnectHomeUSA Communities

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ConnectHomeUSA Stakeholders

ConnectHomeUSA (CHUSA) stakeholders are nonprofit or private-sector organizations that wish to support the efforts to narrow the digital divide being made under the CHUSA program by the following HUD-assisted entities: Public Housing Authorities, Tribes, Multifamily owners/operators, Continuum of Care grantees, or Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) grantees.

CHUSA stakeholders are not individuals. Generally, commitments are made for an indefinite period. This next phase of ConnectHomeUSA will take place from 2024-2027. If your organization is interested in exploring the opportunity to support the work of HUD’s CHUSA communities, we invite you to complete this interest form.

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