MDU Community Connect

A solution for prioritizing connectivity in affordable multi-dwelling units (MDUs).

MDU Community Connect is a best practice model that helps state broadband offices leverage federal funds from BEAD, Treasury’s Capital Projects Fund, and the Digital Equity Act to deploy free Wi-Fi to low-income apartment buildings.

NYC Apartment Building

Grant Program Template

A comprehensive framework when structuring grant programs to deploy Wi-Fi in low-income MDUs.

Grant Program User Guide

A step-by-step manual to assist program administrators in effectively utilizing the grant program framework.

Start Your Project

A roadmap to guide you throughout your Apartment Wi-Fi installation.

Evan Feinman NTIA

“I deeply commend EducationSuperHighway for the work that they've done, both in genuinely helping us improve our policies around the challenge process and also in operationally getting out there in the field and helping us identify these folks in these locations.”

Why Install Apartment

Rather than each household buying its own internet connection, the owner procures a single internet connection for a property-wide Wi-Fi network, and all residents can connect. This option will provide the building with better connectivity at a lower cost than traditional commercial Internet Service Provider options.
Apt Wi-Fi Technical Drawing

Ensuring BEAD Achieves Internet For All

Learn why we are participating in all states’ challenge processes to ensure maps reflect MDU connectivity.

3 Challenge Process Recommendations for States

Best practices and examples of how states are making their BEAD Challenge Process more robust.

4 Best Practices For A Successful BEAD Challenge Process

Streamline BEAD Challenge submission and review with these easy-to-implement tips.

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