
Data Privacy Once Your K-12 Bridge to Broadband Map is Live

This is a reminder that the information you receive via the K-12 Bridge to Broadband data sharing platform (dashboard, map, and CSV file) is for your school district’s use only and covered by the Data Privacy Agreement. Also, please remember that confidential information cannot be shared outside of the school district. 

Actions that would violate Data Privacy Agreement include exposing any information that was returned to the school district by participating Internet Service Providers (ISPs), e.g. 

  • Which ISP(s) can and cannot provide service to your students
  • The percentage of students who could be connected by a specific ISP
  • Screenshots of your school district’s unconnected students map


For the avoidance of doubt, school districts should not re-share information that specifically names ISPs or information related to a named ISP’s subscribers or end-users – even where this is aggregated.

The following information is acceptable to share with your community and stakeholders. Please note that this data will be in your dashboard:

  • The total percentage/number of connected students
  • The total percentage/number of unconnected students who could be connected by participating ISPs
  • The total percentage/number of students who cannot be connected by any participating ISP