Get Broadband Funding For Your Property

$42.5 billion is available to states to expand high-speed internet access, which includes improving broadband in public and affordable multi-dwelling housing units.

Complete the form to ensure your property is included in your state’s plans.  


Improving Connectivity In MDUs

20-25% of the digital divide is concentrated in affordable multi-dwelling units (MDUs).  EducationSuperHighway is a national non-profit working to help states build connectivity programs that ensure every American household has the internet access they need to work, learn and stay connected.

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States & Cities

We assist states in developing and implementing plans to optimize broadband funding and close the digital divide.

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Property Owners

We partner with property owners to improve broadband in public and affordable multi-dwelling housing units.

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Housing Authorities

We help Housing Authorities plan and execute multi-property Wi-Fi projects.

Internet Access Isn’t a Luxury, It’s a Necessity

Access to home internet increases the annual income of an under-resourced American household by $2,000. Take action to ensure your residents benefit from unprecedented state broadband funding. 

Get In Touch

Help Us Close the Broadband Affordability Gap